Excel has several built-in functions that allow you to calculate and analyze data.
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Common Functions(in alphabetical order)
ABS(number) Returns the absolute value of number. Number is usually a cell reference, as in ABS(B3), or the result of a calculation such as ABS(D4:D23)
AVERAGE(range) Calculates the average value of the cells in range by determining the sum of all the cells and then dividing the result by the nuber of all cells in the range.
COUNT(range) Returns the number of cells in the range.
MAXIMUM(range) Returns the largest value in range.
MINIMUM(range) Returns the smallest value in range.
ROUND(number, decimal places)) Rounds off the number to the specified number of decimal places.
SUM(range) Adds the values of all the cells in the specified range.
TODAY() Returns the current date. No arguments are required.

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