Sun Rise


Know Your Sign.


AQUARIUS - January 21st to February 19th

You are very friendly and know a large number of people, but are afraid to have close ties with anyone. You feel more secure in your seclusion. You do not easily confide in others. Not that you distrust them or are suspicious, but perhaps you do not feel the need to have any close intimate ties. You are a thinker, sensitive to others suffering and compassionate by nature. You live in tomorrow, and what you say usually comes true.

PISCES - February 20th to March 20th

Anybody will be charmed by your Piscine charm of manner and lazy good nature. There is very little which excites you Pisceans to violent action or reaction. You are quite but not an introvert and are completely dominated by emotions. You are versatile and talented, but may lack direction at times. You are born with a desire to see the world through rose colored spectacles. You can make others forget their miseries and troubles. A short conversation with you and a person instantly relaxes.

ARIES - March 21st to April 20th

Commonly believed to be one of the most powerful and fundamental of all signs, you like to be your own master. You are enthusiastic, exuberant, extrovert, independent, fearless and self-reliant. You like to thrive on competition-the harder the better. You have a big ego. You are sure that you are the undisputed monarch of all you survey. You are out and a fighter. Violence and sex drive the Arian character. Yes, you have the push, pep and go.

TAURUS - April 21st to May 21st

Materialism and artistic tendencies wage a royal battle in you. So while some call you money-mad, others call you arty. You have a remarkable memory and often remember any insult or injury done to you. You have your own principles and you stick to them rigidly. You are an excellent host. You lay a good table, wallop food and expect your friends to compete with you. You are solid and steady and nothing disturbs your tranquility. You like honest and frank people. You can save for a rainy day.

GEMINI - May 22nd to June 21st

An overplus of intellectual energy reveals the Gemini. This radiates in your remarkable versatility. You Geminies are or can be - extremely charming, witty, outgoing and attractive. You are kind, generous, very creative and full of ideas and rather restless until you fulfil your aim and ambition in life. But you are not easily satisfied. Your approach to life is practical and realistic. Expression and communication are your plus factors. Communication is your lifeblood. Cut this circuit and you are finished.

CANCER - June 22nd to July 23rd

Cancerian may be attached to their home and family, but they also seek limelight and publicity. If you are born under this sign you may find yourself clannish and ardent admirer of things and matters traditional. Sincere as a friend, you are easily involved with those who exhibit the slightest sympathy towards you. Tenacity often helps you achieve the impossible. You are also a well of secrecy. People automatically confide in you. You guard your inner feelings carefully from prying eyes.

LEO - July 24th to August 23

Yours is the most powerful and dynamic sign of the zodiac. If you are born under this sign you may have a regal bearing. Your manner of greeting people is very friendly. You believe yourself to be a shade better than others and like to stay aloof. Highly principled, you dislike those who are superfluous or those who have no aim and direction in life. You are a natural head of any organisation. You are a good judge of character and one of your favorite pastimes is to observe others.

VIRGO - August 24th to September 23rd

You are a happy-g-lucky type. You take life as it comes and accept others as they are. Though quite finicky, you are very understanding and sympathetic towards others. You are a practical person with definite goals in life. Remarkable power of analysis and a fine sense of discrimination characterize you. You generally have a large circle of friends but you occasionally take their advice when annoyed by vulgarity, stupidity or carelessness, you suddenly become cranky, irritable and nervous.

LIBRA - September 24th to October 23rd

Librans show their aggression on the intellectual plane and areas of public affairs, marriage and foreign affairs. You are intelligent and have great intellectual brilliance. You have refined taste and an artistic bent of mind. Your voice is soft and gentle and there is always a smile on your face. Skilful in discussion and quite tactful, you make a perfect diplomat.

SCORPIO - October 24th to November 22nd

Essentially adventurous, you are a born leader. It is absolutely certain that you will carve out a distinct path for yourself. You are dignified in your bearing and reserved by nature. Single mindedness, thoroughness, self-discipline and courage are your strong points. You are a keen observer, extremely introspective, analytical and highly intuitive and well determined in pursuit of your goals. Hindrance and obstacles bring out the best to you. It is beneath you to flatter, but when it comes to jealousy, you could burn and erupt violently. Women find you irresistibly attractive.

SAGITTARIUS - November 23rd to December 21st

You are optimistic, friendly, kind, jovial and versatile. You have bright, frank ways. You are tremendously curious and therefore always ask the way of things. You are bold and optimistic and always aim for the highest place in any career or profession you choose. You have plenty of self-confidence to attain your goal in life. Your progressive and enterprising attitude makes you extremely successful. You have a good sense of humour and are a good conversationalist.

CAPRICORN - December 22nd to January 20th

You have tremendous drive, organizing ability and overvaulting ambition. You are known for a single-minded and realistic approach to life. There is always a faint aura of melancholy and seriousness surrounding your personality. You are sensitive to a beautiful environment. Sordid, crude or ugly things repel you. You make a perfect diplomat. You believe in goodwill to all and malice to none.


China Garden.

The Rat

Famous Persons Born: - Pope John Paul; William Shakespeare; Karim Aga Khan; Yves St. Laurent; Prince Charles

The Charms of the RAT personally is a universally known as loved as the Walt Disney character, Mickey Mouse. Remarkably easy to get along with hard working and thrifty. He will be generous only to those who he is inordinately fond of, so is you get an expensive gift from him, you should certainly rate yourself high in his esteem. On the surface, a Rat person may appear reserved, but this is not so. He is never as quite as he may look. The RAT person is usually bright, happy and sociable personality. The Rat really cherishes his friends , associates and family relations.

Rat         1912 1924 1936 1948 1960 1972 1984 1996 2008 2020 2032 2044 2056 2068 2080

The Ox

Famous Persons Born: - Jawaharlal Nehru; Walt Disney; Richard Nixon; Margaret Thatcher; Adolf Hitler

The OX or the Buffalo sign symbolizes prosperity through fortitude and hard work. A person born during this year will be dependable calm and methodical. A patient and tire less worker, he sticks to routine and conventions. Beneath his somewhat modest but neat appearance, the OX shields a resolute and logical mind. He walks with his head held high. A person born under this particular sign is systematic. His is the uncluttered mind. You can rely on his promises, once he gives his word, he will stick by it. The OX can be terribly naive about affairs of the heart. It takes time for them to develop intimate relationships. They are slow to warm up and reveal their true feelings. But if you marry him and place your trust squarely on his shoulders, he will never disappoint you.

Ox          1913 1925 1937 1949 1961 1973 1985 1997 2009 2021 2033 2045 2057 2069 2081

The Tiger

Famous Persons Born: - Charles De Gaulle; Groucho Marx; Queen Elizabeth II; Marilyn Monroe

In the East, the Tiger symbolizes power, passion and daring. This fearless and fiery fighter is revered as the sign that wards off the three main disasters of a household; fire, thieves and ghosts. Restless and reckless by nature, the Tiger is usually impatiently geared for action. However, because of his suspicious nature, he is prone to waver or make hasty decisions. But just as he is quick-tempered, he is equally sincere, affectionate and generous. What's more, he has a marvelous sense of humor. He loves babies, animals, jazz or anything that can catch his imagination and attention for the span of the moment.

Tiger      1914 1926 1938 1950 1962 1974 1986 1998 2010 2022 2034 2046 2058 2070 2082

The Rabbit

Famous Persons Born: - David Rockfeller; Ingrid Bergman; Fidel Castro; Albert Einstein; Joseph Stalin

The Rabbit symbolizes graciousness, good manners, sound counsel, kindness and sensitivity to beauty. His soft speech and graceful and nimble ways embody all the desirable traits of a successful diplomat or seasoned politician. He is reserved an artistic and possesses good judgement. His thoroughness will also make him a good scholar. He will shine in the fields of law, politics and government. But he is also inclined to be moody. The Rabbit is extremely lucky in business and monetary transactions.

Rabbit    1915 1927 1939 1951 1963 1975 1987 1999 2011 2023 2035 2047 2059 2071 2083

The Dragon

Famous Persons Born: - John Lennon; St. John Of Arc; Frank Sinatra; Yehudi Menuhin; Che Guevara

The Dragon person is magnanimous and full of vitality and strength. In China, the Dragon symbolizes the Emperor or the male. It represents power, those born in the Dragon year are said to wear the horns of destiny. The Dragon is a veritable storehouse of energy. The Chinese call him the guardian of wealth and power. Certainly a prosperous sign to belong. But then again, the Dragon is the sign most prone to megalomania.

Dragon  1916 1928 1940 1952 1964 1976 1988 2000 2012 2024 2036 2048 2060 2072 2084

The Snake

Famous Persons Born: - Indira Gandhi; Mao Tse Tung; Gamel Abdel Nasser; John F Kennedy; Abraham Lincoln

Philosopher, theologian, political wizard, wily financier - the Snake person is the deepest thinker and enigma of the Chinese cycle. He is endowed with an inborn wisdom of his very own right. Graceful and soft-spoken, he loves books, food, music, the theater, he will gravitate towards all the finer things in life. Elegant in speech, dress and manners, the Snake person does not like indulging in useless small talk or frivolities. He can be quite generous with money, but is known to be ruthless when he wants to attain an important objective.

Snake    1917 1929 1941 1953 1965 1977 1989 2001 2013 2025 2037 2049 2061 2073 2085

The Horse

Famous Persons Born: - F.D.Roosevelt; Barbara Striesand; Rembrandt; Nikita Khrushchev; Chris Evert

A person born in this year is said to be cheerful, popular and quick-witted. He has raw sex appeal rather than straight good looks. The unpredictable horse will fall in love easily and fall out of love just as easily. An adventurer at heart, still he is noted for his keen mind and ability to manage money. Self-reliant vivacious, energetic, impetuous and even brash, the Horse is a showy dresser, partial to bright colours and striking designs to the point of being gaudy on occasion. The Horse loves exercise, both mental and physical. The native of this sign is often called the playboy or playgirl of the cycle. He is just as skilful in business and love.

Horse     1918 1930 1942 1954 1966 1978 1990 2002 2014 2026 2038 2050 2062 2074 2086

The Sheep

Famous Persons Born: - Barbara Walters; Muhammad Ali; Billie Jean King; King George IV; The Shah Of Iran

This is the most feminine sign of the Chinese Zodiac. A person of the sheep year is called the good Samaritan of the cycle. He is righteous sincere and easily taken in by sob stories. He is artistic, fashionable and a creative worker. The sheep is known for his gentle and compassionate ways. He can easily forgive and be understanding about others' faults. He dislikes strict schedules and can not take too much discipline or criticism.

Sheep    1919 1931 1943 1955 1967 1979 1991 2003 2015 2027 2039 2051 2063 2075 2087

The Monkey

Famous Persons Born: - Walter Matthew; Edward Kennedy; Mick Jagger; Duchess Of Windsor; Nelson Rockefeller

The Monkey is the sign of the inventor, the improviser, and the motivator in the Chinese Zodiac. He is clever, flexible and innovative. He can master anything under the sun and usually has the aptitude for being a good linguist. The monkey person will be successful at whatever he chooses to do. No challenge will be too great for him. On the negative side, he has an inborn superiority complex.

Monkey  1920 1932 1944 1956 1968 1980 1992 2004 2016 2028 2040 2052 2064 2076 2088

The Rooster

Famous Persons Born: - Prince Phillip; Peter Ustinov; Elton John; Pope Paul VI; Elia Kazan

The Rooster-born, especially the men, will be attractive, even dashingly handsome. He is sharp, neat, precise, organized, decisive, upright, alert and the most direct. He can also be critical to the point of brutality. He loves to argue and debate showing how knowledgeable and smart he is, sometimes with little regard for the feeling of others. Gay, witty and amusing the magnificent Rooster will never pass up an opportunity to recount his adventures and enumerate his accomplishments.

Rooster  1921 1933 1945 1957 1969 1981 1993 2005 2017 2029 2041 2053 2065 2077 2089

The Dog

Famous Persons Born: - Charles Bronson; Pierre Cardin; Sir Winston Churchill; Elvis Presley; Chou En Lai

This may be the most likeable sign of all in the Chinese cycle. A person born in the year of the dog is honest, intelligent and straightforward. He has a deep sense of loyalty and a passion for justice and fair play. If you have a forthright dog for a friend, you must know that when you are in trouble, all you have to do is dial D-O-G. For no matter how much he or she complains, scolds or feigns indifference the dog person can not ignore a real call for help.

Dog         1922 1934 1946 1958 1970 1982 1994 2006 2018 2030 2042 2054 2066 2078 2090

The Boar

Famous Persons Born: - Ronald Reagan; Julie Andrews; Woody Allen; Chiang Kai-Shek; Alfred Hitchcock

This is the sign of honesty, simplicity and great fortitude. Gallant, sturdy and courageous, a person born in this year will apply himself to an allotted task with all his strength and you can rely on him to see it through. Outwardly, he may appear rough-hewn and jovial, but scratch the surface and you will find pure gold. The Boar is bound to be one of the most natural people you could come across. He will never hit you below the belt. No doubt he will have fights and differences with others, but he will not carry grudges unless you give him no choice. He doesn't like to add fuel to the fire in a confrontation and will usually let bygones by bygones.

Boar        1923 1935 1947 1959 1971 1983 1995 2007 2019 2031 2043 2055 2067 2079 2091

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