Questions You Have About Pregnancy But Never Knew Whom To Ask.

The second or the middle timester of pregnancy is the most enjoyable. The discomforts of the 1st trimester being to wear off, and now you and your wife can settle down. At times your wife will be concerned about her pregnancy. Give her your undivided attention. Just listen to her. This is the best gift you can give her. Also make your wife indulge in some gentle exercises to keep fit.

  1. It is advisable to exercise when pregnancy is advancing?

Exercise is a must during pregnancy. Make her do a few simple exercises, controlled breathing and relaxation exercises to keep the baby supple and the mind relaxed. These physical exercises prevent muscles from over-stretching, keeps away aches and pains during the latter half of the pregnancy and ensure an easy delivery. The breathing and relaxation exercises, in addition to relieving tension during pregnancy, enable your wife to go through all stages of labour and the birth of baby must more easily and smoothly.

  1. Is there a prescribed diet?

With the beginning of the second trimester, your wife's appetite returns. 'Eat for two', a cliche often thrown at you by elders, does not mean that your wife should eat twice as much as she was, before pregnancy. It simply means she needs a nourishing and well-balanced diet. Remember, eating right and feeling fit during pregnancy will reflect in the health and well being of your baby.

  1. Is sex taboo during pregnancy?

Normal sex is permissible within the physical constraints imposed by the growing womb. Sexual intercourse is permissible in the second trimester, except in case of previous miscarriages (abortion) or if your wife has vaginal bleeding. As a husband you should understand and respect these restrictions. In such cases you can satisfy each other's needs with love and tenderness, omitting sexual intercourse from your lovemaking.

  1. What could be possible alarm bells?

Consult the doctor if your wife is experiencing any of the following:-

  1. How often should you take your wife to the doctor?

In the second trimester it is advised to let your wife meet her doctor at least once in a fortnight. However, if your wife experiences any unusual problems, you should take her to the doctor immediately for a through check-up; After the third and fourth months your wife needs to meet her gynecologist more often. The number of times your wife meets her gynecologist will also depend on whether she has problems that need monitoring, such as vaginal bleeding, high blood pressure and diabetes.

For more information, contact your Doctor.

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